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Kika - A’ Cluich Jazz

Episode 3 of 9

Tha Kika cho measail air jazz – agus gu h-àraidh ceòl an sacsafon. Kika loves jazz, especially saxophone music.

Thòisich Kika a' cluich an sacsafon nuair a bha i 3 bliadhna a dh'aois. ‘S e ceòl clasaigeach is tric a bhios i a’ cluich ach ‘se jazz as fheàrr leatha. Tha i air cothrom fhaighinn leis a’ Chòmhlan Mhòr - abair g’ eil i toilichte mun sin!

Kika started learning the saxophone when she was three years old. She mainly plays classical music but prefers jazz, and has been offered the opportunity to play with The Big Band. She is delighted with this!

Release date:

15 minutes
