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Fish eyes and chips?
Simon Reeve arrives in Kolkata, India, on his journey around the Tropic of Cancer. He is invited home for a meal by his guide, who serves up a fish head as the main course for the honoured guest.
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More clips from India
Preview of India
Duration: 01:35
Bhopal and the second generation
Duration: 03:46
When monsoon rains arrive...
Duration: 01:11
Elephant bath time
Duration: 02:30
More clips from Tropic of Cancer with Simon Reeve
Simon Reeve interview
Duration: 03:48
Dubai from the air—Egypt to Oman
Duration: 01:32
Great Pacific Garbage Patch—Laos to Hawaii
Duration: 04:26
Grilled squirrel for breakfast—Laos to Hawaii
Duration: 02:31