Pwy Oedd Mrs R S Thomas
Pwy Oedd Mrs R S Thomas? - Sut na wyddom ni fwy amdani, a pham mae ei champwaith coll yn hel llwch mewn warws yn Lloegr? Why is she still relatively unknown, and why is her lost masterwork gathering dust in a warehouse in England?
Pwy Oedd Mrs R S Thomas?
Hanes cudd yr artist disglair Mildred Elsie Eldridge, a fu'n byw yng nghysgod ei gwr, y bardd R S Thomas, ond a fu'n ysbrydoliaeth i rai o gerddi serch tyneraf yr iaith Saesneg. Sut na wyddom ni fwy amdani, a pham mae ei champwaith coll yn hel llwch mewn warws yn Lloegr? The poet's first wife, the painter Mildred Elsie Eldridge, was a gifted artist in her own right. She lived in the shadow of R S yet she inspired him to write some of the most tender and touching love poems of the 20th century. Why is she still relatively unknown, and why is her lost masterwork gathering dust in a warehouse in England?