EastEnders: The impact of HD...
*sings* I can see cleeearly now HD has cooome…
Professor Himesh (Tamwar) gives Charlie (Darren) a crash course in High Definition technology and we take a tour round the EastEnders studio to chat to the production team and find out how ‘going HD’ has affected the way they make the show.
Plus we take a sneaky peek at the Christmas ep…
Christmas has literally come early for you lucky guys, so what are you waiting for? Click play!
This clip is from
More clips from 24/12/2010
Catch-up: Friday 24 December
Duration: 01:40
EastEnders - Stacey and Ryan...
Duration: 04:55
Preview: Friday 24 December
Duration: 00:35
More clips from EastEnders 2008 - 2012
Robbie returns (15th February 2010)—2010, 15/02/2010
Duration: 00:29
Catch-Up: Monday 31st December 2012—2012, 31/12/2012
Duration: 01:52
Catch-up: Monday 31st December 2012—2012, 31/12/2012
Duration: 01:52
Catch-Up: Thursday 27th December 2012—2012, 27/12/2012
Duration: 01:54