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Thu, 17 Mar 2011 (Part 1)
Caiff Sheryl a Gethin dd锚t mewn sba! Sheryl and Gethin go on a date to a spa!
Caiff Sheryl a Gethin dd锚t mewn sba! Er bod Gethin yn dawedog i ddechrau, caiff flas ar y profiad ac awgryma y dylai鈥檙 ddau ystyried aros dros nos... Ond a fydd Sheryl yn cytuno? Mae Gloria yn datgelu cyfrinach am deulu鈥檙 Monks wrth Britt. Sheryl and Gethin go on a date to a spa! Although Gethin is unsure to begin with, he soon enjoys the pampering and suggests that perhaps they spend the night... But will Sheryl agree? Gloria reveals a secret about the Monk family to Britt.