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Mae’n ddrwg gennym ‘dyw’r bennod yma ddim ar gael ar hyn o bryd

Mon, 1 Aug 2011 at 8.25pm

I ble mae Lois wedi ffoi? Where has Lois gone?

I ble mae Lois wedi ffoi? Mae rhieni’r cwpwl ifanc yn poeni o ddarganfod bod y ddau wedi gadael Cwmderi a Lois mor agos at eni’r babi. Ceisia Macs osgoi cwestiynu Sioned ynglŷn â chanlyniadau’r profion gwaed. Nid yw Macs yn barod i ddweud y gwir wrthi, ond mae’n cytuno i gael cyngor proffesiynol er mwyn tawelu meddwl Siôn. Where has Lois gone? The young couple’s parents are worried when they discover that they’ve fled Cwmderi with Lois’ due date so near. Macs tries to avoid Sioned’s questioning by making excuses about the blood test results. Macs is unable to confess to his fiancé but to keep his father happy, he agrees to consider having counselling.

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