More or Less Episodes Episode guide
Understanding India through data
What can data tell us about a country of 1.4 billion people?
Subitising and simplifying: how to better explain numbers
How can we clearly explain complex numbers to the public without losing their meaning?
Did tea-drinking cut deaths in the Industrial Revolution?
How tea became an accidental lifesaver in 18th Century England.
Will the war in Ukraine cause a global wheat shortage?
How much of the worlds wheat comes from Ukraine and Russia
Why has Hong Kong’s Covid wave been so bad?
What’s behind one of the worst Covid death rates ever?
Pizza and nuclear war
How good negotiation can help us split pizzas fairly and also avoid nuclear war.
Does the UK take in more refugees than other European countries?
Fact checking Boris Johnson’s claim
Numbers in Ukraine and low seas in Chagos
Troop and casualty numbers in Ukraine
Did lockdowns save any lives?
Did lockdowns actually save any lives?
Hospitalisation rates for children with Covid
What does the data tell us?
Testosterone and sport
Trans women’s participation in elite sport
Placebo: Can you fool your brain?
Looking at the power of expectations
Fertility rates: Baby boom or bust?
Fertility rates around the world
Are female patients more likely to die if the surgeon is male?
Should women be worried about having a male surgeon?
QAnon: Did 365,348 children go missing in the US in 2020?
Fact checking a QAnon claim.
How much plastic is in the ocean and can Mr Beast make a difference?
Can two social media stars remove $30million worth of plastic from the ocean?
Will the population of Nigeria be larger than Europe’s?
Will Nigeria’s population really reach 600million?
Numbers of 2021
The most significant numbers of the year
The psychological economics of gift giving
How to buy gifts people actually want.
Does catching Covid give you more immunity than being vaccinated?
Infection vs injection: Could Covid infection provide 27 times more protection?
Does wearing a mask halve your chances of getting Covid-19?
Is it true wearing a mask reduces Covid-19 incidence by 53%?
Simpson’s Paradox: How to make vaccinated death figures misleading
A tricky statistical phenomenon at play.
A TikTok tale
How a well-meaning TikTok disrupted 4,600 studies.
The carbon cost of breakfast at COP26
Can a vegan croissant really be worse for the environment than a bacon roll?
Same data, opposite results. Can we trust research?
Why the same data can produce different conclusions.
The art of counting
Tim Harford talks to author Deborah Stone about her book which explores counting
The numbers behind Squid Game
Could you survive a round in Squid Game, and how many have watched it?
The prize-winning economics of migration and the minimum wage
A look at the work of this year’s winners of the most prestigious prize in economics.
Vaccinating the world
How countries’ vaccination rates measure up – and the trickiness of comparing them.
The Gender Pay Gap
Can Machiavelli help women get a better deal in the workplace?