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Testing tomatoes
Have these saucy fruits become less healthy over time?
The world鈥檚 busiest shipping lanes
Which is the busiest shipping lane in the world?
Bolivia: Can statistics help detect electoral fraud?
We look at the numbers and statistics from Bolivia鈥檚 disputed presidential election
Reducing your risk of death
Can running and owning a dog reduce your risk of an early death?
Unbelievable: The forgotten rape data
How shelved data from rape cases in America is helping the police catch criminals now.
Edith Abbott and crime statistics
Social worker and economist Edith Abbott and her contribution to crime statistics.
Esther Duflo and women in economics
Discussing Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banjeree and Michael Kremer鈥檚 Nobel Prize in Economics.
Aid to Ukraine and being struck by lightning
Dissecting President Trump鈥檚 aid to Ukraine claims.
Does San Francisco have more rough sleepers than Britain?
Is it true that there are more rough sleepers in San Francisco than in Britain?
Who fought in World War One and the American Civil War?
Were a third of those that fought for Britain in WW1 black or Asian?