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Giota Níos Mó (8)

Irish language learning series Giota Níos Mó.

Have a look at some of the key phrases in Episode 8 and try them out in your own time.

Cad é do bharúil? - What do you think?
An dtiocfadh leat an dinnéar a dhéanamh? - Could make the dinner?
an lón - the lunch
An dtiocfadh leat an lón a dhéanamh? - Could you make the lunch?
an bricfeasta - the breakfast
An dtiocfadh leat an bricfeasta a dhéanamh? - Could you make the breakfast?
an suipéar - the supper
An dtiocfadh leat an suipéar a dhéanamh? - Could you make the supper?

Ar mhaith leat? - Would you like?
Ar mhaith leat an dinnéar a dhéanamh? - Would you like to make the dinner?
Ar mhaith leat an lón a dhéanamh? - Would you like to make the lunch?
Ar mhaith leat an bricfeasta a dhéanamh? - Would you like to make the breakfast?

Ar mhaith leat dul amach ar shiúlóid? - Would you like to go out for a walk?
Ar mhaith leat dul amach anocht? - Would you like to go out tonight?
Ar mhaith leat dul chuig an phictiúrlann? - Would you like to go to the cinema?
Ar mhaith leat dul amach fá choinne béile anocht? - Would you like to go out for a meal tonight?
Ar mhaith leat buidéal fíona a fháil? - Would you like to get a bottle of wine?
Ar mhaith leat pizza a fháil? - Would you like to get a pizza?
Ar mhaith leat tacsaí a fháil? - Would you like to get a taxi?

Ba mhaith - Yes
Níor mhaith - No

Seanfhocail Chlár 8:
Beidh a cuid féin ag an fharraige - The sea will have its own.

eile - another
bus eile - another bus
briosca eile - another biscuit
ceann eile - another one
clár eile - another programme
gúna eile - another dress

Tá mo sháith agam. - I’ve had my fill. / I’ve had enough.
cupán eile tae - another cup of tea
rud ar bith eile - anything else

Ar mhaith leat briosca? - Would you like a biscuit?
Ba mhaith, le do thoil. Tá siad iontach deas. - Yes, please. They’re very nice.
Ar mhaith leat ceann eile? - Would you like another one?
Níor mhaith, go raibh maith agat. Tá mo sháith agam. - No, thanks. I’ve had enough.
Ar mhaith leat cupán eile tae? - Would you like another cup of tea?
Ar mhaith leat rud ar bith eile? - Would you like anything else?

Dáta Scaoileadh:


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