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05/06/2012 (Part 1)

Fydd perthynas Gwyneth a Jinx fyth yr un peth eto. Things will never be the same again for Gwyneth and Jinx.

Fydd perthynas Gwyneth a Jinx fyth yr un peth eto. Mae ganddo bethau pwysicach i boeni amdanynt na chyfrinach Gwyneth. Ddylai Jim fod wedi dysgu i beidio cymryd sylw o Angela wrth iddo beryglu ei berthynas ag Eileen. Things will never be the same again for Gwyneth and Jinx. He has more important things than Gwyneth鈥檚 secret on his mind. Jim should know better than to listen to Angela as he jeopardises his relationship with Eileen.Transmitted on 05/06/12 at 8pm

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