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Mae鈥檔 ddrwg gennym 鈥榙yw鈥檙 bennod yma ddim ar gael ar hyn o bryd


Caiff Yvonne lond bol ar ymyrraeth Britt gyda'i theulu. Yvonne is fed up with Britt constantly interfering with her family.

Caiff Yvonne lond bol ar ymyrraeth Britt gyda鈥檌 theulu. Mae鈥檔 genfigennus o berthynas Gwyneth a Britt ac yn teimlo鈥檔 rhwystredig nad yw鈥檔 cael cyfle i helpu mwy. Gyda鈥檙 pwysau arno鈥檔 cynyddu, cymer Eifion ddos rhy uchel o dawelyddion. Yvonne is fed up with Britt constantly interfering with her family. She鈥檚 jealous of Britt鈥檚 relationship with Gwyneth and is frustrated not to be of more help. With the pressure on him mounting, Eifion takes an extra tranquillizer.

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