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Nations Northern Ireland Clips
A Radio Ulster Broadcast Appeal on behalf of Myasthenia Gravis
Duration: 04:07
Interivew with Rev. James Rea
Duration: 03:05
Interview with Publican and Hotelier Bill Wolsey.
Duration: 02:51
Interview with Consultant Neurologist Mr John McConville.
Duration: 04:14
Interview with John Coulter.
Duration: 02:39
A Radio Ulster Broadcast Appeal on bahalf of VSO
Duration: 03:51
Interview with VSO vounteer Dr Mary McCauley.
Duration: 02:29
A Radio Ulster Broadcast Appeal on behalf of S贸l谩s
Duration: 03:33
A poem written and read by Brannagh Begley
Duration: 00:22
Broadcast Appeals Northern Ireland
Duration: 06:02