The Newsroom Clips
Can a computer copy your handwriting?
Duration: 01:44
Shock over Delhi Hit-and-Run
Duration: 01:04
The Olympic super fan
Duration: 01:28
Newborn babies killed in Baghdad fire
Duration: 01:36
Tempted? But how many calories?
Duration: 01:24
"We have to live. We have to go on."
Duration: 01:48
Brighton's new tower - a delight or an eyesore?
Duration: 01:35
Ghazala Khan: Trump 'doesn't feel the pain'
Duration: 01:33
Texas balloon crash
Duration: 00:56
Pope wows Poland
Duration: 00:41
Who is Boris Johnson?
Duration: 01:23
Van Gogh 'cut off his entire ear'
Duration: 01:06
China's rebranding rap
Duration: 01:29
EU Referendum: Is Brexit good or bad news for small business?
Duration: 02:12
Hong Kong airline bans shark fins
Duration: 01:25
Chinese Villagers Call for Leader's Release
Duration: 01:49
Diving with the underwater 'army of arms, legs and claws'
Duration: 00:50
What smells do slugs and snails dislike the most?
Duration: 01:20
Should we breed cats that don't hunt?
Duration: 01:32
Are emails a waste of time?
Duration: 01:39
New secrets discovered at Petra
Duration: 01:18
Migrants have their own Euro 2016
Duration: 01:18
Fish 'can recognise human faces'
Duration: 02:03