The History Hour Episodes Available now
My father survived the sinking of the Titanic
How six Chinese sailors were rescued from the Titanic, but then faced racism in America
US withdrawal: The Fall of Saigon
The desperate scramble to evacuate the US embassy at the end of the Vietnam war in 1975
The Berlin Wall
In 1961, communist East Germany began building the wall that symbolised Cold War Europe
Chipko: India鈥檚 tree-hugging women
The 1970s environmental movement, a child who fled Biafra, an American news pioneer
Japan history special
The 2011 earthquake and tsunami, the first bullet train, plus other historical moments
Darfur's ethnic war
Darfur - a child's story, Brazil's first law on domestic violence and Vincent van Gogh.
When the Taliban ruled Kabul
Life under the Taliban in the 1990s, China's Cultural Revolution, inventing a jet engine
North Korea's 1990s famine
How hundreds of thousands died of starvation and malnutrition in North Korea
Supernatural sightings
UFOs in Zimbabwe, the birth of communist China and a wind power pioneer.
LGBT special
The Stonewall Riot, China's "Cooperative Marriages" and LGBT activism in Ivory Coast