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Mae鈥檔 ddrwg gennym 鈥榙yw鈥檙 bennod yma ddim ar gael ar hyn o bryd


Mae Gwyneth a Dani'n mynnu bod Sheryl yn mynd at yr heddlu ond mae Sheryl yn poeni os gwnaiff Garry ei choelio. Gwyneth and Dani tell Sheryl she must go to the police but Sheryl is concerned whether Garry will believe her.

Mae hapusrwydd a chyffro Debbie yn ormod i Sheryl ac mae hi鈥檔 dweud wrthi be ddigwyddodd y noson gynt. Mae Gwyneth a Dani鈥檔 mynnu bod Sheryl yn mynd at yr heddlu ond mae Sheryl yn poeni os gwnaiff Garry ei choelio. Debbie鈥檚 happiness and excitement is too much for Sheryl to bear and she tells her about the events of the previous evening. Gwyneth and Dani tell Sheryl she must go to the police but Sheryl is concerned whether Garry will believe her.

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