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Mae鈥檔 ddrwg gennym 鈥榙yw鈥檙 bennod yma ddim ar gael ar hyn o bryd


Aiff Kevin i ymddiheuro wrth Sheryl ond dydi hi ddim yn ymateb fel y disgwylia. Kevin tries to apologise to Sheryl but her reaction is unexpected.

Mae Debbie鈥檔 torri ei chalon wrth glywed mai Meic ofynnodd i Sheryl siarad gyda Kevin cyn y briodas. Aiff Kevin i ymddiheuro wrth Sheryl ond dydi hi ddim yn ymateb fel y disgwylia. Debbie is heartbroken as she learns that it was Meic who asked Sheryl to talk to Kevin before the wedding. Kevin tries to apologise to Sheryl but her reaction is unexpected.

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