To prove they should be the ones on stage, Tom S and Tom P have made their own TV show and somehow got the real acts to take part…
Tom and Tom meet the lady of the Electric, Chastity Butterworth.
Desperate to showcase their TV ideas, Tom and Tom make their own scripted reality show.
Tom and Tom showcase their command of language *sort of*.
Tom and Tom want to do their first serious interview which goes… well, as you'd expect.
Tom S has a hilarious plan for interviewing Live At The Electric's host, Russell Kane.
Tom and Tom attempt to get 5 minutes with the elusive Frenchman.
Tom and Tom from Live at the Electric interview ladies man Antonio.
The Toms from Live at the Electric have made a TV show. On the internet.
To prove they should be on stage, the Toms from Live at the Electric have made a TV show.