Learning a new language with help from your peers
Learning languages through social interactions, plus other websites and apps reviewed.
Kate Russell's weekly review of the best apps and websites.
The internet is a powerhouse of great educational tools that make learning fun and free for all. Busuu is a social learning platform that teaches 12 languages using colourful buttons, clicks and drag and drop interactivity to learn vocabulary, dialogue and writing.
There are lots of initiatives to encourage youngsters to learn coding right now, and the internet is the perfect forum for this. Code.org is a great starting point, serving up practical lessons you can complete in your bedroom that give you real results really quickly.
The Year of Code is a project running this year that has high hopes to nurture the programmers of the future. The site has great support, advice and loads of other resources where you can pick up computer skills free of charge.
Teachers or parents who want to have a hand in their child's education can build their own quizzes with GetKahoot. Using it, is as simple as dragging and dropping the elements, such as images, video and text, into the creation tool.
If you are still hungry for education resources this blog by a teaching professional has compiled over 190 free teaching and learning activities.
On 30 March Digital Unite's Spring Online digital inclusion campaign begins, which helps thousands of older and less confident computer users take their first steps with digital technology.
Some children (and adults) would rather play video games than study, but perhaps that is not as bad as you think. This week's video comes from ASAPScience and investigates whether playing video games can make you smarter.
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Could computers replace teachers in the classroom?
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