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Food Friday - Picnic Tart of Spiced Chickpea, Sweet Potato and Walnuts

This week's Food Friday comes from James' Caf茅 Bistro in Leicester.

Warming Picnic tart of Spiced chickpea, sweet potato and walnuts.

The short pastry
1lb 2oz plain flour
9oz salted butter
Zest of 1 lemon or 2 limes
2 medium free range eggs

Blitz all ingredients together in a food processor or by hand in a bowl until just combining into a ball, cracking apart slightly.
Wrap slightly flattened ball of pastry in cling film and refrigerate for at least 30 mins.
Roll pastry between 2 sheets of cling film (this will stop the pastry sticking to the pin) to fit tart tin. Press into edges and corners leaving a little extra at the edges to compensate for pastry shrinkage.
Bake blind at 190.c for 10_15 mins or until golden at edges. Then remove baking beans and dry out in 170.c oven for another 10 mins or until nicely dried and crisp.
Leave to cool

Spiced chickpea, sweet potato and walnut tart filling:

500g cooked or tinned chickpeas
4 baked sweet potatoes
Mixed cajun spices
Smoked paprika
Sea salt and black pepper
4 medium free range eggs
Handful of walnut halves

Drain and Dry out the chickpeas in a heavy based saucepan on a medium heat then thoroughly mash till powdery and all chickpeas at least halved
Add dry spices and thoroughly mix
Add chilli and garlic and seasoning
Remove skins from sweet potatoes and smash them in to the mix
Whisk eggs in a separate bowl them add them to the mix too
Fill tart case with mix, squash in the walnuts and bake at 170.c for roughly 30mins or until springy and cooked in the centre.
(If the walnuts start to darken too much then cover tart with tin foil)

Eat warm straight from oven or cool completely, wrap in foil and take along to a picnic with a soft blanket and plenty of drinks!

Release date:


9 minutes