Mark and Richard - Scotland's Bright Future
Friends Mark and Richard discuss Scotland's economic future post-Brexit
Mark (55) and Richard (41) both live in Dumfries and Galloway. They got to know each other well during the Scottish Independence Referendum campaign in 2014. Mark is English and Richard is Scottish, yet Mark's campaigning really struck a chord with Richard because he was so passionately pro-Scotland. It was the beginning of new pathways for both of them. Mark is enormously involved in local charitable activities, running both a region-wide food bank and assisting with efforts to welcome and settle refugees. Richard is a lawyer by trade, but the Referendum debate awoke a strong political streak in him, and he's since become the SNP MP for Dumfries and Galloway. Both are married with two children each. Mark lives just outside Dumfries and Richard lives in Stranraer. Mark is in a mixed-race relationship and didn't want to bring up his two sons in England because of the prejudice they experienced. He feels that Brexit has a lot to do with inherently racist attitudes, alongside the disenfranchisement with Westminster. He says that his family has been very welcomed and accepted in Dumfries and Galloway and he now describes himself as 'Scottish'.
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