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Rubiales quits: Kiss scandal
Luis Rubiales resigns. Image by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez via Getty Images.
Banning 'steak'
Plant-based food can no longer have meat-based names in France.
Is laughing good for your heart?
Laughter can make your heart stronger, according to new research.
Is laughing good for your heart?
Laughter can make your heart stronger, according to new research.
Antarctic ice melting
Ice the size of Greenland is missing from Antarctica because of climate change.
Shift work linked to depression
A new study has found that working shifts can lead to depression and anxiety.
Green flights? Impossible
Can flying ever be green? Scientists say no.
Trump charged for third time
Donald Trump charged with trying to change the 2020 US presidential election result.
Alzheimer's drug hope
New drugs mean that Alzheimer's could soon be treated as easily as asthma and diabetes.
Hottest week ever
The first week of July had the highest average global temperature ever measured, UN says.