Prògraman CBeebies air Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú ALBA
Mischa MacPherson reads Tha Tà lant aig Muile-mhà g.
AH-AH has a big problem today as he has swallowed a fly.
Tha Boban feumach air cluasag ùr. Boban needs a new pillow.
Tha Fuigheag cho measail air putain! Fuigheag loves buttons!
Tha aon uircean falaicht’ – cà it’ bheil i? A piglet is hiding, where is she?
Petit and his friends are having a lot of fun pretending to be robots.
Tha Seillean a’ dèanamh mil an-diugh. Seillean is making honey today.
Every night, Owl keeps watch over the forest but starts to dread his duties.
Sarah Cruickshank reads A’ Bhana-phrionnsa Thapaidh.
Tha rudan glè roiligeach an-diugh. There’s much rolling going on today.
Ernest's grandmother, Baboutchinka, has come to visit.
Abney puts on a magic show for Teal and the Poc-Pocs.
Feumaidh Meaban is Moo rudan dubha a lorg. Meaban and Moo are looking for black things.
Hari goes in search of a map, but will he know what a map looks like and what it does?
AH-AH is in a great hurry as he has to be somewhere.
’S toil le Fuigheag a bhith ga ruag. Fuigheag loves to be chased
Tha leabaidh ri cà radh an-diugh. There’s a bed to be made today.
Tha na seanganan a’ danns’ an-diugh. The ants are dancing today.
Tha Madadh-cuain a' còmhradh rinn an-diugh. An Orca speaks to us today.
Tha 'ad a’ frithealadh bhèibidhean an-diugh. They’re looking after babies today.
There is some huffing, puffing and blowing to be done as today's word is 'trumpet'.
Bing isn't feeling very well today.
Bing fears he is not growing, infact is he getting shorter?
The word is 'firework', and there's only one Abada up to the challenge - it's Super Seren!