Are you sure you’re using the right sunscreen? Do you struggle to untangle UVA from UVB, and SPF from the star-rating? Greg Foot puts sunscreen through the evidence mill.
We all know that sunscreen helps to protect our skin from the sun’s burning rays, but are you sure you’re using the right one? Do you struggle to untangle the UVAs from the UVBs, and the SPFs from the star-ratings?
Greg Foot talks to Antonia Mariconda, beauty writer and founder of the Safety in Beauty Campaign, who knows just how baffled consumers are.
On hand to decode the sunscreen labelling is Dermatologist, Dr Andrew Birnie, from East Kent Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust. Common claims, such as ‘waterproof’ and ‘reef safe’ are also put through the evidence mill.
Producer: Beth Eastwood
Sliced Bread
Sam White looks at profitable everyday products and future ways we might spend our Dough.