Landmark moments in US presidential history told by the people who were there
Cristeta Comerford was the first woman and person of colour to the White House's top chef
In 1933, President Roosevelt enacted the New Deal to drag the US out of depression
In 1978, former first lady Betty Ford sought help for addiction
The story behind the Situation Room photograph during the raid to kill Bin Laden in 2011
In 1956, US presidential candidates sent female representatives to the first debate on TV
The US presidential election of 2000 was one of the most contested in history
In 1974, Richard Nixon became the first US president in history to resign
What exactly goes on during the months between election and inauguration?
How former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card broke news of 9/11 to President Bush
The Senate chamber was turned into a court to put the president on trial, 7 January 1999
How US religious conservatives organised in the 1970s to get Republicans elected.
The first major-party black candidate to make a bid for the US Presidency in 1972
The landmark legislation was introduced to ensure the rights of African Americans to vote
American president Dwight Eisenhower's great farewell address
The US election of 1960 was a close race between John F Kennedy and Richard Nixon.
How independence campaigners opened fire in Congress in 1954, wounding five US law-makers