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Iona Ballantyne is joined in the studio by three-time Olympian Lee McConnell. An cuide ri preasantair Iona Ballantyne tha Lee McConnell.

In the first of a new series of 360, presenter Iona Ballantyne is joined in the studio by three-time Olympian Lee McConnell. They reflect on what has been a fantastic Olympic Games for the Scottish members of Team GB in Tokyo. They also look to the future and hear from athlete Alyson Bell. A member of the GB Futures squad, Alyson is a Euro U20 gold medalist in the 4 x 100 metres relay and keen to compete at the highest level like Lee McConnell. Also on 360, we hear from swimmer Katie Shanahan. On prolific form this summer at the European Junior Championships, she has set her sights on next year’s Commonwealth Games while taking advantage of training with the likes of Olympian Kathleen Dawson.

Anns a’ chiad phrògram san sreath ùr de 360, an cuide ri preasantair Iona Ballantyne tha Lee McConnell, tè a th’ air nochdadh trì tursan aig na Geamaichean Oilimpigeach. Bheir iad sùil air ais air cho math sa rinn na lùth-chleasaichean Albannach do sgioba Bhreatainn thall ann an Toyko aig na Geamaichean Oilimpigeach. A thuilleadh air a sin, cluinnidh iad bho an lùth-chleasaiche òg, Alyson Bell. Mar bhall do sgioba Futures Bhreatainn, tha Alyson air bonn òir fo aois fichead bliadhna a ghlèidheadh aig farpais na h-Eòrpa agus mar a rinn Lee fhèin, tha i an dòchas a’ farpais chun an ìre as àirde. Cuideachd air 360, cluinnidh sinn bho snàmhadair Katie Shanahan. Rinn i fìor mhath an t-samhradh seo aig Farpais Òigridh na h-Eòrpa agus tha a h-àire air na Geamaichean a’ Cho Fhlaitheis an ath bhliadhn’ ‘s i a’ trèanadh còmhla ri a leithid Kathleen Dawson.

Release date:

30 minutes

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