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This week’s 360 sees the return of Suzanne Lappin to the studio alongside presenter Iona Ballantyne. An t-seachdain ‘sa air 360 tha Suzanne Lappin air ais san stiùidio.

This week’s 360 sees the return of Suzanne Lappin to the studio alongside presenter Iona Ballantyne. With the SWPL1 season kicking off this weekend they look back on the previous season and analyse where it was won and lost. Iona and Suzanne also look at the comings and goings of all the clubs ahead of the restart and focus on some of the big talking points. They also hear from Celtic’s Chloe Warrington. The defender has been at the club since she was three years old but only recently signed her first professional contract and she’s already making an impact.

An t-seachdain ‘sa air 360 tha Suzanne Lappin air ais san stiùidio còmhla ri preasantair Iona Ballanyne. Leis an SWPL 1 a’ tòiseachadh air an deireadh sheachdain, bheir iad sùil gu mionaideach air na thachair an t-seusan sa chaidh. A thuilleadh air a sin, bidh Iona is Suzanne a’ coimhead air na h-atharrachaidhean aig gach cluba air thoiseach air an deireadh sheachdain. Cuideachd, cluinnidh iad bho chluicheadair Celtic, Chloe Warrington. Tha ‘n cluicheadair dìon air a bhith aig a’ chlub’ bho aois trì bliadhna ach bho chionn ghoirid tha i air cùmhnant proifeiseanta fhaighinn agus tha i a’ dèanamh diofar mar-thà.

Release date:

30 minutes
