Episode 24
Iona Ballantyne welcomes an old friend back to the 360 sofa this week, Joelle Murray. Tha Iona Ballantyne a' cur f脿ilte air seann charaid an t-seachdain sa, Joelle Murray.
Iona Ballantyne welcomes an old friend back to the 360 sofa this week, Joelle Murray. They chat about the latest updates in the SWPL and in our first feature interview of the show, Dundee United鈥檚 Megan Burns talks about the club鈥檚 promotion hopes. For our second feature, in the spirit of the Winter Olympics, 360 travel to the rink to meet the Solway Sharks women鈥檚 ice-hockey team in Dumfries.
Tha Iona Ballantyne a' cur f脿ilte air seann charaid dhan sti霉idio an t-seachdain sa, Joelle Murray. Bruidhinnidh iad air na naidheachdan as 霉ire bhon SWPL agus sa chiad aithris againn, tha cluicheadair Dundee United, Megan Burns a' bruidhinn mu na h-amasan a th' aig an cluba aice. San ath aithris, le spiorad Geamaichean Oilimpigeach a' Gheamraidh, tha 360 a' dol dhan raon-deighe gus coinneachadh ri na Solway Sharks, sgioba hocaidh deighe st猫idhte ann an D霉n Phr矛s.
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Women's Sport 360 - S2 - Ep24
Duration: 33:02