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Scotland U17s head coach Pauline MacDonald is back in the 360 studio with Iona Ballantyne this week. Tha àrd-choidse na h-Alba fo17 Pauline NicDhòmhnaill air ais air 360.

Scotland U17s head coach Pauline MacDonald is back in the 360 studio with Iona Ballantyne this week. On this week’s show, Championship South team Renfrew Ladies tell 360 about their ambitions to develop a strong pathway at the club. In our second feature, professional mountain bike racer Katy Winton talks about life on the circuit, as well as discussing some of the challenges she has faced to pursue the sport she loves.

Tha àrd-choidse na h-Alba fo17 Pauline NicDhòmhnaill air ais còmhla ri Iona Ballantyne air 360 an t-seachdain sa. Air prògram na seachdain sa, tha sgioba ball-coise Boireannaich Rinn Friù a bhios a’ cluiche anns an Championship a Deas ag innse do 360 mu na h-amasan a th’ aca gus cothrom cluiche a thoirt do chlann-nighean òga san sgìre. Sa dàrna aithris, tha an rothaiche beinne, Katy Winton ag innse mu beatha san spòrs, a thuilleadh air na dùbhlain a tha air a bhith mu coinneamh san spòrs thar na bliadhnaichean.

Release date:

30 minutes
