Episode 32
Iona Ballantyne welcomes Motherwell captain Gill Inglis to the 360 studio this week. Tha Iona Ballantyne a’ cur fà ilte air sgiobair Tobar na Mà thar, Gill Inglis dhan stiùideo.
Iona Ballantyne welcomes Motherwell captain Gill Inglis to the 360 studio this week. Iona finds out more about Gill’s season with the club, and 360 revisits Angel City, the American soccer club showcased in the very first episode of this programme. In the final feature of the show, Carly Girasoli talks about life in England with London City Lionesses, following spells with Glasgow City and Rangers.
Tha Iona Ballantyne a’ cur fà ilte air sgiobair Tobar na Mà thar, Gill Inglis dhan stiùideo an t-seachdain sa. Gheibh Iona a-mach mun t-seusan aig Gill còmhla ris a’ chlub’, agus tha sinn a’ tadhal a-rithist air Angel City, an sgioba ball-coise ann an Ameireaga a nochd sa chiad earrann de 360. San aithris mu dheireadh, tha Carly Girasoli ag innse mu beatha ann an Sasainn còmhla ri na London City Lionesses, às dèidh dhith cluich roimhe aig Glasgow City agus Rangers.
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Women's Sport 360 - S2 - Ep32
Duration: 34:18