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The Bábóg Project

Is é an sprioc atá ag The Babog Project ná 6,000 bábóg lámhdhéanta a chruinniú le chéile, ceann amháin le haghaidh gach aon leanbh a fuair bás sna hárais Máithreacha agus Naíonáin. Labhraíonn Moya Rogers faoina mothúcháin agus í ag déanamh a bábóige féin don togra.

It is not known exactly how many babies died over the years while living in Mother and Baby Homes but the total is thought to be in the region of 6,000. The Bábóg Project aims to collect handmade dolls, one for each child who died in the Homes. Moya Rogers talks to us about making one of these dolls herself.

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