Employment puzzle, pyramids and triplets
The UK has a low unemployment rate but lots of people not working – how come?
The UK has a low unemployment rate, and a large number of people who are not working right now – we look at how both of these are true with the help of Chris Giles from the FT and Louise Murphy from the Resolution Foundation.
Have pyramids really moved 4km south since they were built?
For years, the media has been claiming that the odds of having identical triplets are one in 200 million – we are very suspicious. And we look at apparently concerning reports about women's life expectancy in the poorest parts of England.
Plus, we have received a lot of emails from listeners about last week’s episode. Some questioning the definition of a billion, others questioning our explanation of the nautical mile. We do some reflecting.
More or Less: Behind the Stats
Tim Harford investigates numbers in the news: are they always reliable?