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Episode 13

Episode 13 of 38

Iona Ballantyne speaks to Lindsay Hamilton, who is at the centre of Glasgow Football Tours; a cultural experience exploring the city’s rich football culture.

Lindsay Hamilton, who is at the centre of Glasgow Football Tours, a cultural experience exploring the city’s rich football culture, joins Iona Ballantyne in the 360 studio. They catch up on how the SWPL table is shaping up. Elsewhere, 360 talks to Rachel Mair. A player for Giffnock and a coach with Motherwell, she’s also focused on creating a platform for players to share their experiences with ACL injuries. And 360 also hears from Orla Winn, who at 15-years-old is already the world champion at wakeboarding. She talks about her hopes for the future in a sport she is already dominating.

‘S i Lindsay Hamilton, tè a th’aig cridhe Cuairtean Bhall-Coise Glaschu, rud a bhios a’ toirt cothrom do dhaoine barrachd eòlais a chuir air cultar a bhuill-coise sa bhaile, a tha còmhla ri Iona Ballantyne air 360. Coimheadaidh iad air mar a tha gnothaichean coltach anns an SWPL an-dràsta. A bharrachd air an sin, bruidhinnidh 360 ri Rachel Mair. A’ cluich do Giofnag, cuideachd a’ coidseadh an cuide ri Tobar na Màthar, tha i a’ feuchainn ri taic a thoirt do chluicheadairean a th’air an droch ghoirteachadh le bhith toirt dhaibh cothrom bruidhinn mu na trioblaidean aca. Cuideachd, cluinnidh 360 bho Orla Winn a tha aig aois 15 air duais na cruinne ann an wakeboarding a bhuinnig. Tha i ag innse dhuinn mu na dòchasan aice ann an spòrs far a bheil i air cliù a chosnadh mar-tha.

35 minutes
