Help I Sexted My Boss Episodes Available now
Help You're Being Demonstrative
Jordan's ready for his mega weekend and William's picking Jordan up on his latest excuses.
Help My Pug's Got My Plug
A new entry for Jordan's diary, a supermarket faux pas and the banger v whopper debate.
Help I've Fallen Into Spidey's Trap
William's ongoing rat problem, Jordan's bringing chips and beer...
Help We've Had A Wedding
William, Jordan and Prod-Usher Ben reflect on the podcast wedding of the year.
Help I Know A Vabber!
Lost passports, missing books, side effects of a Sri Lankan curry, and a grammar lesson.
Help I Need To Cancel
A late cancellation, but from William, not Jordan!
Help I've Got A Hole In One
Help I Sexted My Boss is back to help you deal with the everyday problems of modern life.
Weekend Release: William's Diary
William's version of his diary, an update from a runner and Jordan's tax return.
Help There's A Jumping Jet Behind Me
Jordan's in the Sun, chopstick etiquette and a tale of going commando at the gym.
I'm A Celeb The Reunion
Our King of the Castle rejoins our Queen of the Podcast (and Producer Ben)