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Holiday Washout
In the summer of '78, the North Wales beaches may be deserted but the sale of cagoules was on the up.
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More clips from 1978
Anita Morgan launches Radio Wales
Duration: 01:54
Meet Wale' first females underground doctor
Duration: 01:42
Ray Reardon鈥檚 incredible story of being buried alive
Duration: 02:36
More clips from Wynne's Welsh 70s
Max Boyce—Series 1, 1971
Duration: 02:26
Anita Morgan launches Radio Wales—Series 1, 1978
Duration: 01:54
Meet Wale' first females underground doctor—Series 1, 1978
Duration: 01:42
Recycling clothes for kids—Series 1, 1971
Duration: 01:49