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Love in London: When real life and theatre become one

London is a city of nine million people, and love blooms all across the capital.

Every week Salma El-Wardany speaks to a different London couple about their love story. How they met, where, when, and what it all means to them - and we'll also hear some music they've chosen that's been important to their relationship.

This week the West End's Theatreland is our backdrop as we meet actors Myles and Ivano.

Ivano's currently playing the lead in the hit West End musical 'Everybody's Talking about Jamie', and the pair met at an awards evening at the National Theatre. Soon their connection was as amorous, as it was heartfelt and they've been together just over a year. To this day they still get a thrill when they see each other on billboards and posters around town.

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20 minutes

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