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A review of the week's news in Cornish.

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Sun 21 Apr 2024 13:55

An Nowodhow - Read along with the news in Kernewek

An Nowodhow - Read along with the news in Kernewek

PRESENTER James Churchfield

In our first story this week, Cornwall鈥檚 tourism boss has urged business owners to 鈥渉ave faith鈥 after a particularly wet Easter. Business owners have said that weather has impacted trade as people stay out of the rain.

In Cornish words for buildings with particular purpose often end in 鈥-ji鈥 in Cornish. This is the same word as the word for house 鈥chi鈥, just with a mutation. There鈥檚 two of these -ji words in this story, 鈥gwerthji鈥 literally 鈥榮elling house鈥 鈥 or shop, and koffiji 鈥 coffee house or coffee shop.

Also when we say what kind of shop it is, English puts this in front, eg 鈥榗lothes shop鈥, but Cornish puts it after, so 鈥gwerthji dillas鈥 鈥 literally 鈥榮hop 鈥 clothes鈥.

The Cornish this week is read by Duncan McIntosh:


Meur ras, ha myttin da.

Chif tornyaseth Kernow re ynias tus trestya yn Kernow wosa Pask glyb.

Perghenoryon negys a leveris kesstudhyow kewer a-gynsow dhe nasya kenwerth ha tus ow kortos a-ji hag yn mes a鈥檔 glaw.

Dan Pettit, neb a dhyght gwerthji dillas No Worries yn Tewynblustri a leveris dhe鈥檔 麻豆官网首页入口, yn hager gowas nag usi tus ow kerdhes dres gwerthjiow, mes ow ponya yn-tidro dhe鈥檔 nessa koffiji.

Ev a leveris ynwedh y klewas ev an gewer dhrog dhe weres nebes negysyow ow tiskara.

Mes chif Visit Cornwall, Malcolm Bell y hanow, a ynias negysyow pesya bos posedhek erbynn an hav.

Ev a leveris dell wayt ev an gewer dhe wellhe dres an mis a dheu hag ev a grysis negysyow ha dineythyans tornyaseth leel dhe wul yn ta.


Thank you, and good morning.

Cornwall's tourism boss has urged people to "have faith" in Kernow after a wet Easter.

Business owners said recent weather conditions have impacted trade as people stay indoors and away from the rain.

Dan Pettit, who runs the No Worries clothes shop in Newquay, told the 麻豆官网首页入口 that when it鈥檚 pouring with rain, people aren鈥檛 walking past shops but running straight to the nearest coffee shop.

He also said he had even heard of the weather playing a part in some businesses folding.

But Visit Cornwall chairman Malcolm Bell urged businesses to remain positive ahead of the summer.

Ev said hopefully the weather will improve over the next month and believed businesses and the local tourism industry would do well.


Our next story covers the new 鈥榯raffic free鈥 bridge across the A30 which has opened this week. The bridge is for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders 鈥 these are mentioned in the second sentence so listen out for them.

The new bridge will form part of the 鈥楽aints鈥 Trail鈥 鈥 or 鈥Lergh an Sens鈥 between St Agnes and Threemilestone.


Pons nowydh 鈥渞ydh a dharomres鈥 dres an A30 yn Chi war Donn re igeris.

An strethur, eth meter ha dew ugens hy hirder, yw rag trethysi, diwrosoryon ha marghogyon.

Ynstallys veu an pons gans Costain avel rann a鈥檔 ragdres ughradha A30.

An pons nowydh a furv rann a Lergh an Sens, hag a jun Breanek ha Mentrimildir.

An Lerghow a wra provia a-dro dhe eth mildir a hynsow 鈥 war fordh hag mes a fordh.

Yma Konsel Kernow ow provia dew vilyon a beunsow rag an ragdres, hag an brassa rann a鈥檔 kost a unnek poynt naw milyon a dheu dhyworth Fordhow Meur Kenedhlek.

Kyn fo an pons ygor rag devnydh, an konsel a leveris na vydh an lergh mes a fordh yntra Breanek ha Mentrimildir gorfennys bys diwettha hevlena.

Richard Williams-Pears, neb a syns plegell karyans Konsel Kernow, a leveris bos dhe鈥檔 strethur 鈥渘asyow desin ikonek hag a dhastewyn ranndir Ertach an Bys Balweyth Kernow鈥.

Yn-medh ev 鈥榶geryans an pons a dhiskwedh kowlwrians a vri rag an bagasow owth oberi dres lies ragdres ha frosow arghasans dhe dhiogeli kemmyn rag Kernow dres henedhow a dheu.鈥


A new "traffic-free" bridge over the A30 at Chiverton in Cornwall has opened.

The structure, which is 48 metres long, is for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.

The bridge was installed by Costain as part of A30 upgrade project.

The new bridge forms part of the Saints鈥 Trail, linking St Agnes and Threemilestone.

The trails will provide about 8 miles of on-road and off-road paths.

Cornwall Council is providing 拢2m for the project, and most of the 拢11.9 funding is coming from National Highways.

While the bridge is open for use, the council said the off-road route from St Agnes to Threemilestone would not be finished until later this year.

Richard Williams-Pears, Cornwall Council's cabinet portfolio holder for transport, said the structure had some "iconic design features to reflect the nearby Cornish Mining World Heritage areas".

He said 鈥渢he opening of the bridge represents a significant achievement for the teams working across multiple projects and funding streams to secure a legacy for Cornwall for generations to come,".


So you may have heard trethysi pedestrians, diwrosoryon, cyclists, and marghogyon 鈥 horse riders.

And now to our final story this week 鈥 a team of young footballers in Torpoint have new waterproof jackets, thanks to funds provided via the Proceeds of Crime Act (or POCA).

The first sentence of this story has an example of a common way that Cornish expresses ownership in which you say 鈥榯here is [something] to [somebody]. The word 鈥榶ma鈥 means 鈥榯here is鈥 and it usually comes at the start of a sentence.

Some listeners may know the Cornish word for Torpoint, so listen out for that.


Yma jerkyns stanch nowydh dhe beldrosyoryon yowynk wosa degemeres arghans daskevarwodhys dhyworth aktivitys anlaghel.

Kreslu Dewnans ha Kernow a leveris Para Carbeile yn-dann eth bloodh - selys yn Penntorr - dhe dhegemeres an dillas dre arghasans Reyth Budhow a Dhrogober.

Arghans kuntellys der argerdhow POCA a veu daskevarghewys yn ragdresow kemeneth, dell leveris an lu.

Dyghtyer para Carbeile, Leigh Godwin y hanow, a leveris aga bos delitys dhe dhegemeres an skoodhyans.

Mester Godwin a leveris 鈥渁n arghasans dhyworth POCA rag kavos jerkyns para a worras gooth ha lowender y鈥檔 para, ow maga klewans a barder ha galwesigeth pan usi an para ow kwari yn fyttys peldroos kesstrivus.

Leveryas kreslu a geworras, 鈥測n spit dhe dhos an arghans dhyworth gwriansow drogober, an argerdh a鈥檡 dhaskevarghewi y鈥檔 ranndir leel a weres ow taskevarwodha arghans galweythel dhe dhevnydh 鈥榲as.鈥

Henn yw oll dhyworthiv vy, seythen splann genowgh.


Young footballers have new waterproof jackets after receiving redirected money from illegal activities.

Devon and Cornwall Police said Torpoint-based Team Carbeile's under-8s team received the kit through Proceeds of Crime Act funding.

Money collected via POCA proceedings was reinvested into community projects, the force added.

Team Carbeile's under-8s manager Leigh Godwin said they were delighted to receive the support.

Mr Godwin said: "The funding from the POCA for acquiring team jackets instilled pride and joy among the team, fostering a sense of uniformity and professionalism when the team are playing in competitive football matches."

A police spokesperson added: "Despite the money originating from criminal acts, the process of reinvesting it into the local area helps to put criminal money to good use."

That鈥檚 all from me, have a good week.

And the Cornish for Torpoint is of course 鈥楶enntorr鈥.
That鈥檚 all from An Nowodhow for today. The Cornish this week was written and read by Duncan McIntosh and the script editor was Wella Morris.


  • Sun 21 Apr 2024 13:55