Learning Easy English Episodes Available now
Real Easy English: Talking about home towns
Neil and Beth have a real conversation in easy English about their home towns.
Real Easy English: Talking about music
Neil and Beth have a real conversation in easy English about music and how they listen.
Real Easy English: Talking about fashion
Neil and Beth have a real conversation in easy English about fashion and clothes.
Real Easy English: Talking about restaurants
Learn to talk about the food you like and how to order in a restaurant.
Real Easy English: Talking about shopping
Georgie and Neil have a real conversation in easy English about shopping.
Real Easy English: Talking about family jobs
Georgie and Neil have a real conversation in easy English about jobs their families do.
Real Easy English: Talking about cooking
Beth and Neil have a real conversation in easy English about their favourite recipes.
Real Easy English: Talking about the weather
Beth and Neil have a real conversation in easy English about the weather.
Real Easy English: Talking about yourself
Beth and Neil have a real conversation in easy English about their personalities.
Real Easy English: Talking about the environment
Beth and Neil have a real conversation in easy English about the environment