Weird in the Wade Episodes Available now

The Night Hag
Sleep paralysis is explored with special guest Dr Ciar谩n O'Keeffe.

Biggleswade's Mysterious Tunnels
What kind of spirits lurk in the tunnels below this Bedfordshire town centre?

The Haunting of Camden House
Is this former school and nearby lane haunted?

My Night in York's Most Haunted Pub
Ghosts galore with special guest, How Haunted's Rob Kirkup.

Blind George of Anstey's Ghost
Myths and legends, old and new about visual impairment

Biggleswade Body Snatchers: Ghostly Crime Part Two
The victims of crime that can not rest in peace

Ghostly Crime Part One: Unfinished Business
With Special Guest Eerie Edinburgh

Black Tom: Phantom Highwayman of Bedford
Why is a district of Bedford named after a ghostly footpad?

Facing My Demons at the Black Magic Church
A mid-winter visit conjures old nightmares.

The Ghosts of St Mary's
What spirits haunt Clophill's black magic church?