Grace Middleton
John’s wife and mother of Joe and Bert, she has suffered years of John coming home drunk and violent, with no food in the house and the children hungry.
Series 1
In series 1, Grace fought to keep her marriage together, and was prepared to make every sacrifice to turn the fortunes of her family around. No matter how she pleaded with her husband , he refused to believe that she had forgiven him for his affair with her late sister, which huge impact on their marriage. Grace was very close to her sons, and , who both adored her.
Series 2
Mother to Bert and Mary, Grace still mourns the death of her eldest son Joe. Grace keeps the family going, even though at times it may be a struggle, and her fire burns even brighter in an age that sees women get more freedom – and, if they are over 30, the vote.
Maxine Peake on Grace
"The farm’s taken a bit of a turn upwards in series 2 and things have picked up. There’s more hope and prospects for the farm. Electricity has come in and there are a few little gadgets, we get a milking machine so new technology is affecting people's lives and the farm seems to pick up.
It was a joy to play someone working through a political awakeningMaxine Peake
"Grace finds her voice this series - it was a joy to play someone working through a political awakening. I feel it is important to play characters with something to say about life or politics, although I wouldn't mind being in a piece and being the other end of the political scale as long as the piece is saying something. It's about the story, not who I play.
"Grace's political involvement all stems from the death of her eldest son Joe and their joint dream to 'make the world a better place', which she is determined to do at whatever cost."