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Miles Mollison

Played by Rufus Jones

Miles is the 43-year-old son of and . He is married to and father to twin girls, Lexie and Libby. Together with , he set up a solicitors firm in the village, and Miles relies on Barry as a friend and colleague.

Miles is helpless in the face of the combined will of his parents. He is unable to refuse Howard's suggestion that he stand for Barry's place on the council, which utterly frustrates Samantha. Miles always looks like the way life has turned out is one terrible surprise, while being utterly predictable at the same time.

Under torture, he might admit he was in despair. Without torture, he’d lie through his teeth and say he was content. He knows his marriage is in trouble, but seems powerless to do anything about it.

About Rufus Jones

Rufus Jones’ most recent notable television credits include , The Edge of Heaven, Trying Again, Fresh Meat, Hunderby, and .

In theatre, Rufus’ recent credits include No Son of Mine and Conspiracy directed by Ed Curtis and the British comedy sketch group The Dutch Elm Conservatoire.

In film, Rufus has recently appeared in the British smash hit, Paddington.

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