The Climate Question Episodes Available now
What do we tell the kids?
Which countries are getting top marks for their climate change education?
Can shipping fix its climate problem?
Big ships create big emissions. Can they reduce them?
The North American heatwave
Extreme heat is rarely viewed as a natural disaster. Why?
Will football tackle the climate crisis?
It’s affected by it, it contributes to it…but could it help combat it?
Could climate change cause more water conflicts?
How do we ensure countries share precious water supplies?
Why is Australia so slow to act on climate change?
Critics say the country is over-promising and under-delivering on climate action.
Why are we failing to protect the Amazon rainforest?
After decades of campaigning, why is deforestation on the rise again?
Carbon capture and storage
Can we just suck the CO2 problem out of the air?
What will it take for cities to go carbon neutral?
Cities emit a lot of greenhouse gasses, but many have plans to make drastic reductions
Should we ‘dim the sun’ to save the planet?
Could solar geoengineering help us avoid the worst impacts of climate change?