Headscarves |
25th September2008 |
 Headscarves are back in vogue, but how to wear one?
Headscarves tied beneath the chin à la "Queen at Balmoral''are back with a vengeance. Some of the most fashionable pop stars and models have been seen wearing them;designers Dolce & Gabbana, Paul Smith, Jean Paul Gaultier and Marc Jacobs have all revamped them for a younger generation. But it’s a fine line between ‘glamour girl in convertible’ and ‘Mrs Mop’andthe headscarf is being described as one of the most difficult looks to pull off this season. Judy Merry went to find out more from fashion journalist Hadley Freeman, curator Anthea Jarvis and Kate Whittaker who runs “Code Image Style Consultancy” in Manchester.
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