CBeebies HD Schedule
HD Schedule
Show Me Show Me—Series 6, Gardening and Lighthouses
9/20 Stuffy plants his very own garden, while Chris pretends to be a lighthouse keeper. (R)
Baby Jake—Series 2, Baby Jake Loves Popping Peas
1/26 Baby Jake and Nibbles the Rabbit go on a vegetable patch adventure and pop pods of peas. (R)
Yakka Dee!—Series 1, Apple
15/20 Dee encourages a friend to say 'apple', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. (R)
Dinopaws—The Thing That Was for Keeping
6/51 The Dinopaws meet a big dino with some stuff which he is going to keep for ever and ever. (R)
Raa Raa the Noisy Lion—Series 1, Huffty Loses His Voice
3/26 Huffty has lost his voice and has to mime to make himself understood. (R)
Teletubbies—Series 2, Footprints
31/60 Tinky Winky, Dipsy and Laa-Laa follow a trail of muddy footprints and find Po in bed. (R)
Tee and Mo—Series 1, Cold
7/50 It's a cold day and Tee wants to play outside. Mo tells him to put on plenty of layers.
Bing—Series 1, Not Yours
71/78 Flop can't resist taking a lolly from Padget's shop. (R)
Hey Duggee—Series 1, The Surprise Badge
50/52 Duggee and the Squirrels wrap up a surprise birthday present for Hennie. (R)
Hey Duggee—Series 1, The Teddy Bear Badge
51/52 Duggee and the Squirrels meet a real bear when they take their teddy bears for a picnic. (R)
Peter Rabbit—Series 2, The Tale of the Best Bowler
6/50 Peter and Nutkin's pine cone bowling rivalry leads to big trouble. (R)
Go Jetters—Series 1, The Strokkur Geyser, Iceland
27/52 The geysers in Iceland are blocked, and Glitch is to blame. (R)
Octonauts—Series 3, Sea Sponge
16/22 A sea sponge that houses other creatures in its pores suffers from a mysterious illness. (R)
Biggleton—Series 1, Biggleton Goes Bananas
16/25 Aleem the Baker has trouble getting some bananas to bake a big loaf of banana bread. (R)
Justin's House—Series 4, Perfect Photo
16/20 The famous photographer Iris Shutterspeed is coming to take a group picture of the gang. (R)
Everything's Rosie—Series 4, The Wind That Shakes the Plum Tree
1/26 It's a windy day, and Big Bear is sad to discover his favourite plum tree has blown down. (R)
Tinga Tinga Tales—Series 2, Why Wildebeest Stampede
3/26 The Wildebeest eat so much grass that the other animals decide to do something about it. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Come On Charlie
55/78 Charlie doesn't want to play Bing's favourite games - they play music together instead. (R)
Twirlywoos—Series 3, More About Soft
25/25 Toodloo runs around under a soft, fluffy hat, confusing many passers-by. (R)
Something Special—We're All Friends: Series 11, Star Chart
7/24 Justin meets two Irish dancing stars, while Mr Tumble earns stars for his star chart. (R)
Teletubbies—Series 1, Twinkle Twinkle
56/60 Tinky Winky sees a star in the sky which sings Twinkle Twinkle. (R)
Patchwork Pals—Series 1, Chicken
1/26 Patchwork Chicken's egg is stuck! Can the Patchwork Pals find a way to help her? (R)
Yakka Dee!—Series 1, Apple
15/20 Dee encourages a friend to say 'apple', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. (R)
Let's Play—Series 2, Judge
14/26 Sid has a legal adventure when he steps through the Magic Curtain to be a judge. (R)
Show Me Show Me—Series 6, Chains and Bikes
11/20 Chris, Pui and the toys hop on their bikes to take part in Teddington's bike race. (R)
Big Barn Farm—Series 1, Hide-and-Seek
16/20 The Farmyard Bunch play a game of hide-and-seek. (R)
Andy's Baby Animals—Talking
16/20 A look at how young lions, penguins and macaques talk. (R)
Waybuloo—Series 3, Flower Surprise
6/50 Piplings are left surprise flower garlands, but they don't know who they are from. (R)
I Can Cook—I Can Cook on the Go, Find the Filling Buns and Hide and Seek
11/26 Katy and her friends make find-the-filling buns and have fun playing hide-and-seek. (R)
Teacup Travels—Series 2, Whistle
11/20 Great Aunt Lizzie tells the story of Lokesh and the Adventure of the Mayan Whistle. (R)
My Story—Series 2, Concorde
6/25 Tappi Tony shares his memories of aeroplanes with his step-grandchildren Amy and Tommy. (R)
Melody—Series 2, Who's at the Door?
16/20 Mum and Melody visit a cathedral and hear Beethoven's Symphony No 5. (R)
Baby Jake—Series 2, Baby Jake Loves Popping Peas
1/26 Baby Jake and Nibbles the Rabbit go on a vegetable patch adventure and pop pods of peas. (R)
Tinga Tinga Tales—Series 2, Why Wildebeest Stampede
3/26 The Wildebeest eat so much grass that the other animals decide to do something about it. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Come On Charlie
55/78 Charlie doesn't want to play Bing's favourite games - they play music together instead. (R)
Alphablocks—Series 1, Alphablocks A-Z
1/26 The adventures of 26 lively letters who can make words come to life by holding hands. (R)
Twirlywoos—Series 3, More About Soft
25/25 Toodloo runs around under a soft, fluffy hat, confusing many passers-by. (R)
Something Special—We're All Friends: Series 11, Fairies
12/24 Justin and his friends visit a fairy forest while Mr Tumble enters the Tumble Bake Off. (R)
Timmy Time—Series 3, Timmy's Cookie
4/28 Timmy tries to protect his football-shaped cookie from being trodden on, eaten or broken. (R)
Olobob Top—Series 1, Kite Flight
3/52 The Olobobs get their kite stuck in a tree, so they create Loopy Longtail to reach it. (R)
Patchwork Pals—Series 1, Chicken
1/26 Patchwork Chicken's egg is stuck! Can the Patchwork Pals find a way to help her? (R)
Yakka Dee!—Series 1, Apple
15/20 Dee encourages a friend to say 'apple', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. (R)
Let's Play—Series 2, Judge
14/26 Sid has a legal adventure when he steps through the Magic Curtain to be a judge. (R)
Show Me Show Me—Series 6, Chains and Bikes
11/20 Chris, Pui and the toys hop on their bikes to take part in Teddington's bike race. (R)
Feeling Better—Series 1, Feeling Angry
1/25 Radha and Ben help Breagha to talk about why she feels angry and how she can feel better.
Numberblocks—Series 2, Just Add One
One's idea of fun is singing, dancing and making friends by adding One. (R)
Footy Pups—Series 2, Being Active
16/30 Rachel and the team stay active with some games to play at home. (R)
Get Well Soon—Hospital – Series 1, Echocardiogram
1/5 Deep has an echocardiogram, which lets Dr Ranj check that his heart is working properly. (R)
Hey Duggee—Series 2, The Collecting Badge
21/52 Duggee's biscuit tin collection inspires the Squirrels to start their own collections. (R)
Kazoops!—Series 1, Never Mending Story
21/75 Monty doesn't think the Kazoop's couch being broken makes it useless. (R)
Go Jetters—Series 1, The Strokkur Geyser, Iceland
27/52 The geysers in Iceland are blocked, and Glitch is to blame. (R)
Peter Rabbit—Series 2, The Tale of the Best Bowler
6/50 Peter and Nutkin's pine cone bowling rivalry leads to big trouble. (R)
Bitz & Bob—Series 1, X Marks the Spot
6/22 Bitz and Bob have to rescue Purl from the clutches of Pirate Bevelbeard and his shipmates.
Bitz & Bob—You Can Do It Too!: Series 1, X Marks the Spot
6/22 We're using rubber bands to test how the energy stored can launch paper balls!
Tree Fu Tom—Series 3, Don't Go Glowy
12/26 Ariela's pet grub Glowy is transformed into a wild and unpredictable creature - a gremmel. (R)
Waffle the Wonder Dog—Series 1, Meeting Waffle
1/30 A newlywed family find a lost puppy among their wedding presents and decide to keep him. (R)
My First—Series 2, Hobby
11/20 Join Grace as she starts her first hobby.
Pablo—Series 1, The Noise Dragon
6/52 When Pablo is woken by banging he draws a cave to hide in, afraid of the noise dragon. (R)
Clangers—Series 1, The Golden Planet
46/52 Major invents a new two-seater rocket for special trips. (R)
The Adventures of Abney & Teal—Series 2, The Enormous Sneeze
4/26 Teal brings a bunch of flowers to Abney, but they make him sneeze uncontrollably. (R)
In the Night Garden—Series 1, Pinky Ponk and the Ball
95/100 The ball bounces into the Pinky Ponk and sends everyone sliding from one end to the other. (R)
CBeebies Bedtime Stories—Extras, Derek Jacobi - How to Catch a Star
Derek Jacobi reads How to Catch a Star, by Oliver Jeffers. (R)