Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú ALBA HD Schedule
HD Schedule
Sionnach agus Maigheach (Fox & Hare)—Series 1, LÃ Dheth/Off-day
20/26 Hare is always the first to enjoy a new day, but today she doesn’t want to get out of bed. (R)
Rita is Crogall—Series 1, GÃ rradh Glasraich (The Vegetable Garden)
19/26 Rita & Crocodile are making a vegetable garden today. (R)
Oscar & Ealasaid—Series 1, Guth Grinn Ealasaid/Célestine's Little Voice
17/26 Ernest is honoured when the mayor asks him to sing the Song of the Bears. (R)
Shane an Chef—Series 1, Ùpraid a’ Bhuilg-losgainn
40/52 Shane and Sam go on a mission in the woods. (R)
Nannag a’ Noo/Huggleboo—Series 1, Am prèasant/The surprise  
19/26 Huggleboo is staying at grandma and grandpa’s farm. (R)
³§³Ùò¾±°ù¾±»å³ó—Series 3, Bi air d’ fhaiceall ron Chrogall
13/100 Daibhidh Walker reads Bi air d’ fhaiceall ron Chrogall. (R)
An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud—Series 1, Droch Aimsir/Spud-ageddon
22/26 Tha na Pluic coma mun lorg carboin aca. The Spuds don’t care about their carbon footprint. (R)
An Teaghlach Rìoghail an Ath-dhoras/The Royal Next Door—Series 1, An Caraid Rìoghail Nach Trèig Sinn
3/52 Tha pà rtaidh gu bhith ann. Cò thèid ann? There’s going to be a party. Who will go? (R)
An Teaghlach Rìoghail an Ath-dhoras/The Royal Next Door—Series 1, Oidhche Rìoghail nan Geamaichean
4/52 Tha Stella ag ullachadh gheamaichean teaghlaich. Stella is organising family games. (R)
Stri—Series 1, Episode 4
4/12 Alexa competes against the CÂ鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú ALBA presenters but who will emerge victorious? (R)
A-null ’s a-nall—Series 5, Mà ileid Dhraoidheil Mhgr. Purr
3/7 Tha Granaidh Leyla a’ tighinn a dh'fhuireach. Leyla’s Granny is coming to stay. (R)
Gaisgich Ã’ga an DÃ rna Cogaidh (Kids of Courage)—Series 1, Sgoil agus teaghlach anns an 'Treas Reich'/School and family in the 'Third Reich'
1/8 Anton wants to join the Hitler Youth like his classmates, but his father is against it. (R)
Dan—Series 1, Episode 9
9/12 Roddy John MacLeod discusses a poem with a personal connection, Òran Mòr MhicLeòid. (R)
SpeakGaelic—Series 3, Creideamh | Belief
16/26 Joy Dunlop continues to guide us through further steps to speak Gaelic. (R)
An LÃ —12/10/2023
Local, national and international news and information from Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú ALBA.
Cidsin Granaidh Chalanais—Series 1, Episode 4
4/4 Gregor makes his grannie’s recipes for gingerbread and classic Scottish tablet. (R)
Florence Nightingale A’ Chiad Nurs—Series 1, Episode 2
2/2 The life of Florence Nightingale, a source of inspiration for generations of nurses.
Binneas - Na Trads—Series 9, The Auldeners
5/9 Roghainn bho oidhche mhòr Na Trads 2022. The Auldeners from the Trad Awards 2022. (R)
Dhan Uisge—Series 3, Episode 10
10/10 Calum Maclean swims in River Truim in central Scotland. (R)
Mach a Seo!—Series 7, Episode 4
4/4 Dalbeattie to Lockerbie with Ramsay. Ramsay air chuairt bho Dhail Beithich gu Locarbaidh
Third Lanark
The story of Glasgow's Third Lanark Athletic Club. (R)
Transatlantic Sessions—Series 2: Dluth an Daimh, Episode 1
1/6 Julie Fowlis and Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh present highlights from Transatlantic Sessions. (R)