The Weather
Posted: Monday, 09 January 2006 |
1 comment |
Today, 9 January, is another red letter day for weather watchers in the Western Isles. A severe gale is howling through Stornoway as I type (midday), with gusts approaching force 11. There is heavy rain, the ferry didn't sail at 7.15 this morning and all manner of vessel is coming into port for shelter. What I do on a day like that is submit frequent reports on , using data from the and my own eyes. The webcam showed this image just now:

Unfortunately, it does not adequately show the crests on the waves in the Newton basin.
Mind you, it could be worse. Just now I found this stunning image of Hurricane Emily, which battered the Caribbean in the summer of 2005, taken from space.

What annoys me at a time like this is the lack of interest from south of the border. Shortly after Christmas, there was a bit of snow in southern England. Hundreds of people on the Internet messageboards (like Metcheck) yapping on about the time "their" snow would appear. The moment it did appear, there were howls of despair over the disruption it caused. Similarly with the gales. Yep, the 1987 hurricane in southern England was severe. But so was the one in January 2005 in the Western Isles. It barely got a mention on the national news bulletins, even though 5 people lost their lives and there was a lot of damage.
OK, end of wail. I'll continue to enjoy the wild weather for now.
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 12:12
I love it when the weather is this wild. It was my day off today and as usual I had a list of things to do (that should've been done yesterday). Luckily most of it was on the phone so I got up, pulled the curtains, grabbed the phone and took it back to bed with me along with my book, hot orange and brunch. Finally got up at the crack of 3.30pm got the logs in and went to work to see Derdrie. Had a nice chat with a few friends who came in then gave her a lift home. Since then I've skipped yoga to curl infront of the fire with an excellent novel and carrot sticks & humous (damn this dieting nonsense!) When it's so wet and wild outside I don't feel so guilty doing absolutely nothing. Ahhhh
Sunny from Arran
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