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16 October 2014

Arnish Lighthouse

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An Lanntair

Today, the new Stornoway arts centre An Lanntair was officially opened by Scottish First Minister, Jack McConnell. As per normal on these occasions, the centre was closed for opening. At 12.30, proceedings were opened by Cllr Angus McCormack, with speeches by the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar convener Alex MacDonald, Jim Tough from the Scottish Arts Council and the First Minister, Jack MacConnell.

Today as well, the Gaelic Language Act was put on the statute book, which gives the language a formal place in Scottish life. After centuries of active neglect, Gaelic has now come into its own. What that place precisely is, is still the subject of debate. There is a fierce discussion going on in Sleat (South Skye) and Mallaig and Morar, across the water from Skye in Lochaber. This entails the provision of Gaelic-medium and English-medium primary school education. Whether it is the Morar or the Mallaig primary school that will go comprehensively Gaelic, and similarly across in Skye. The debate is fuelled by those residents who are not interested in giving their children a Gaelic medium education, and wish to have the option of an English language education.
I am casting my mind back to a speech by Inverness MSP John Farquhar Munro at the time of the first opening of An Lanntair, on October 1st, 2005. Having a new arts centre in the heart of Gaelic speaking Scotland is a very important stepping stone in the reinvigoration of the Gaelic language. I will add that this carries the greatest promise of fruit if all residents of the Highlands and Islands can be taken on board.

Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 17:10


In photo number 3 wasn't the man on McConnell's left the bass player in ZZ Top?

Celeb Spotter from Stornoway

Is photo number two the annual meeting of the 'The Lewis and Harris branch of the 'I hang my washing out on Sunday and hang the consequences club'?

calumannabel from big donnie's cybercafe adabrock lewis

Will these Gaelic Mediums pass messages back from the gaelic speaking dead, such as, "If that Agnes Ann Morrison doesn't stop hanging her washing out on a Sunday there will be consequences whither she's a Morrison or not!" Oooh, spooky! This fruit, will it be seasonal?

Sunny from Feis Arrain

Did you notice the white faces when Mary Smith and Anna Murray sang the song about the Moors and how they should be kept for our future generations and not ruined? Art making political comment, horray

concerned well wisher from stornoway

Are you allowed to say white faces? Seems a bit non pc to me? They'll be burning the Danish pastries at Stag bakery if we're not careful. Whiteboards and blackboards are out it's only a question of time before white and black pudding meet the same fate. Has Charley Barley any contingencey plans?

calumirascible from Purley

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