Arnish Peninsula
Posted: Tuesday, 25 March 2008 |
1 comment |

Reader Trevor White, in commenting on my post "Stornoway, March 2008", requested an image of Kildun Cottage. The above image is of Kildonan Cottage, as I was advised by a local man today. The picture was taken in the 1950s, and cannot be reproduced today.
The position of the photographer would be suspended in air, several dozen feet above the ground, as the hill he stood on has been bulldozed to make way for the Arnish Fabrication Yard. The cottage was burned down by way of demolition.
Related to today's topography, Kildonan Cottage stands between the Lighthouse and the Fabrication Yard, close to Downie's Pier.
This is the view, two years ago, from Charlie's Monument, just south of the Fabrication Yard.

Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 16:41
I wonder can your correspondent Trevor White confirm that the tack at Arnish was held in1705 by a John Matheson?
Murdo Matheson from Stilton Cambridgeshire.
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