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16 October 2014

Arnish Lighthouse

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It was in the news today that Stornoway Golf Club is not allowed to have its members tee off on a Sunday, an arrangement dating back 20 years or so. Non members are able to play golf on the course. The Golf Club has this restriction imposed by its landlord, the Stornoway Trust. On being asked permission for Sunday play, the Trust said no.

It is one of those contradictions for which we are less than famous. I deeply respect people's religious convictions, but do not have a lot of time for double standards.

You either forbid ALL play on a Sunday, or allow it to everybody. It is at best unfair on paying Golf Club members that they cannot play whilst non-members are free to take to the course.

Similar contradictions exist when it comes to a Sunday ferry service.

* On Easter Sunday, MV Isle of Lewis sailed across the Minch to transport a total of 20 trailers which were stuck on either side of the water.

* On Sunday, ferries ply between Skye and North Uist, and between Oban and South Uist and Barra. All three islands are part of the Western Isles, as is the Isle of Lewis.

* On Sunday, planes fly in and out of Stornoway Airport.

* People work on a Sunday to make that all happen.

* People work on a Sunday in the filling station on Sandwick Road in Stornoway to serve petrol and other goods.

Let's get ourselves straightened out, because once again we are in danger of becoming the (inter)national laughing stock. .
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 21:41


once again,proof "that whats good for the goose is NOT good for the gander"

carol from cheesed off by french red tape

Silly game, golf. Wasting their time hitting a ball into a hole with a stick when they could be doing something useful like kicking a ball between two posts with their boots.

Malkie from Glasgow

How long should we go on respecting that other people demand that "we" conform to their behavioural standards when "we" do not have the same belief that underlies those behaviours? Why does not my conviciton carry the same weight as "their" convictions? Down with ALL religions! Let humanity reign.

Barney from Swithiod posing a question

But who could we laugh at if the LDOS didn't exist?

Flying Cat from catholic tastes

Maybe the new Tescos will light a fire under this community for "Free Sundays for all". Free to travel by ferry, free to shop, free, like the rest of Scotland.

Professor M from Lewis

You couldn't make this up, AL. Barney, how right you are.

Jill from EK

Somehow free to shop at Tesco doesn't quite do it for me. Free to shop at local shops, now that would be something!

Flying Cat from agnosticat

Well said Arnish! Bout time these islands started moving forwards and getting away from the perception that moving forward is such a bad thing! You won't find any more double standards and hypocrisy than in a church on a Sunday here. Those that are true believers wouldn't be imposing their beliefs, cos after all 'judge not' and all that...I have a church elder that gives me no amount of grief, why I wish I only knew - I 've done nothing to his or his but never mind - yet he'll quite happily go and sit in the church every Sunday. Its not the religion that makes the problems its the attitudes of those that go (not all admittedly but a fair few). Its the same with the petition AGAINST the Sunday sailings - not much got said about the petition FOR it, and I'm sure it attracted a lot more signatures. It really is about time the minority stopped ruling the majority. Sorry didn't mean to start going on there...it just gets me blood boiling!

IL from harris

I agree Barney. I believe in absolute freedom of belief from which position I believe in freedom of action moderated only by the need not to infringe on other's freedom. Therefore the sabbath ( for want of a better word) may be celebrated, or not, on Friday, Saturday or Sunday or, indeeed, any other day. What I cannot abide is the imposition of a sabbath on any of us.

Hyper-Borean from An agnostical corner

silly question FC, there's the whole human race to laugh at...

Mia from purrondering at the pc

Am I right in assuming that , if they so desired , the Golf Club could open it's bar on a Sunday (no licence restriction). If so then wouldn't it be absurd that members could sit in the clubhouse drinking but unable to play the course !! Meanwhile visitors can stroll the fairways !!! Only in Lewis !!!! No wander people laugh !

Ex Golf Club member from Anything goes on Sunday Glasgow

Grrrmiaoow mia how ever could I forget....ouch, ma furry sides is splittin'! (There's an offal lot of 'em...)

Flying Cat from ha-ha-ha-ha-hee-hee-hee-hee-ho-ho-ho

"because once again we are in danger of becoming the (inter)national laughing stock. . " What do you mean, 'in danger of'?

Sara from TheRealWorld

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