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16 October 2014


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Niseachs in Need Give Generously

Next month the television will be commandeered by Children in Need so Donald and I thought we'd try and steal a march by announcing Niseachs in Need which is to run from today. This district of Ness, the furthest north western territory in the EEC is often overlooked. Michael Palin never visits - he always heads off in the other direction. Gordon Brown is hardly aware of us and we've never had a lottery winner - not even a tenner - athough I suppose it helps to buy a ticket. We are asking all the IB communities to make pledges, organise virtual coffee mornings and run cyber half marathons plus any other imaginative money spinning ruses. Donald and I have set our sights high as we've seen what El Tel and Gabby can raise each November so here is our wish list should we raise sufficient.
£30m will bring Wayne Rooney to Ness FC for four seasons, pay for a room at Cross Inn for himself and Colleen and keep him in Playstation games.
£25m will finance a new distillery for Eoropie and pay for the staff's relocation costs from Oban Distillery. This will mean no more slumming it with blended whisky, shorten everyone's lifespan and thus make fewer demands on the NHS and the DWP
£20m will buy a new boat to operated a ferry service between Ardvasar and Skigersta. This will be a pedestrian only ferry as the roads around both places aren't up to it. The green implications for this project are enormous.
£15m will provide trading posts for each village in Ness and will qualify for EEC grants since LIDL NETTO ALDI and emporioalanjohn will be the contracted partners.
£10m Will buy every Andy Stewart record and CD in existence to bury then in a Landfill Site to be developed at Aird Dell bringing one hundred jobs to the six houses there.
£5m will provise a subsidy for every Niseach to have a free bottle of Glenn's vodka from the Swainbost shop. This will boost the sale of hangover cures in the Storoway chemists who might otherwise be in danger of closing.
£1m will finance a study by St Andrew's s postgraduate students on the impact of marac eating in single parent families and the rise of the Charley Barley latch key culture.
£500 000 will buy enough tweed to make rugs for all the Fank extravanzas for the next decade before that Haggas fella gets his wicked way with the tweed industry.
£250000 will pay for the Lords Day Observance Society to home people in Ullapool who might be thinking of sailing on the Sabbath. This will cover the cost of board lodging and an evening's bingo with top class prizes.
£100000 will pay for a campaign to stop Glaswegian Theatre Cooperatives, fim makers and performance poets coming to the island and provide a bath house for them in Bearsden.
£50000 will pay to set up a publishing house exclusively for IB patrons so that Moo's book will see the light of day. £20 a significant sum will be set aside to give Erland a rest.
£25000 pays for the Art Store at Lamlash to be relocated in Ness and for six months rent on a cottgae for Sunny and her finacee.
£10000 pays for TWS family ot go to Disneyalnd four times a year and for interim car for TWS and Getoofthe while they are away.
£5000 purchses singing lessons for every free church precentor on the island at the Royla College of Music in Ardvourlie.
£1000 pays for three gallons of diesel at any garage in the district.
£500 pays for a missionary to be based in Skigersta and a rigorous anti cannibalkism programme.
£250 pays for a guide dog for communal use of the spinsters of Ness.
£100 gets a meal for four at the Cross In with a bottle of Cava to teach mainland social skills and act as an inclusion strategy for the district.
£30 gets a year's subscription in Fios which can be passed from house to house. This will stimulate inter croft dynamics.
£10 gets a family of four a meal from sweeney Cod'smobile Chippy
£5 provises five lottery tickets and guaranteed excitement for five households. This would go only to large famileis so the excitement is spread among the gretest number possible.
£2 gats a return ticket to Habost well to save some cailleachs knees or 1kg of Pan Drpos so everyone at church can have at lest two sweeties each.
1p gets a Penny Dainty from emporiolanjohn.

This will be a blockbusting campaign. annie B is coming up with a logo and all contributions can be posted on this site and Anne at IBHQ is on a percentage.
Give generously brethren. I know we can depend on you. Not blogged in a while as operation like this takes some planning

Posted on calumannabel at 16:33


I want a scooter, please can I have a scooter? It has been a while but well worth the wait. Very good, lol, BOL, and other Initially things. Great stuff.......

Tws from Staying Here Apparently

I am aware where Ness is, I even knew where it was before David Cameron mentioned it. It is for the people of Ness that I have suggested the changes in inheritance tax. I am even thinking of making making Gugas VAT exempt.

Gordon from London

Calum. I would love to pledge a million or two, but I understand that only UK bloggers are allowed to contribute. I note however that there are no Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú rules preventing yours truly from being chosen as financial advisor and broker: therefore, if you wish funds raised to be invested solely in sub-sub-prime mortgage financial instruments with guaranteed losses, don't hesitate to contact me.

mjc from NM, USA

You lucky, lucky people tae have such community spirit, I especially loved the sharing o' Pan Drops! Whits a church?

Junie from Bellshill (the wilds o' Lanarkshire)

You lucky, lucky people tae have such community spirit, I especially loved the sharing o' Pan Drops! Whits a church?

Junie from Bellshill (the wilds o' Lanarkshire)

The scooter is in the bag TWS. We shall make the award in the first tranche of handouts so you can come to Ness in it. We are supplying a large basket to carry Gotoffthe as well.

calumannabel from Niseachs in Need Grant Committee

Brilliant, calumannabel, ROFL, you brightened my day!

Jill from EK

We here at Rolling Acres would like to put up a sum of dosh sufficient to not publish that book because we have seen bits on Another Site...What on earth have the Tws Family done to deserve the ghastliness of not one, but FOUR trips to Disneyland in a year? This is cruel and unnatural behaviour by any standard. It may even be against the ECHR guidelines. If you can still get a penny dainty for a penny at emporioalanjohn it's time for a visit from Environmental Health...they must be well out of date!

Flying Cat from credit card meltdown

Where's the 'green' proposals? Forget Wayne Rooney, £30m will only get his autograph (includes writing lessons). That sort of money will allow every house in Ness to have its own 500 foot wind turbine in the garden and for several fire engines to dowse the fuse boxes under the stairs whenever the wind blows. And you can save £20m on the ferry - with enough turbines and an average wind, Ness will be blown across to the mainland. All that will be needed is a short pontoon to go ashore. Just think of the cultural benefits of a visit to Cape Wrath, I haven't met anyone for 12 years.

Angus from No. 1, Cape Wrath

Guga is already free of VAT as an essential food item though if enrobed with chocolate it does attract VAT. The poor gannet however was not mentioned in the new inheritance tax proposals which is odd given the Chancellor's links with Lewis so presumably it is still impossible for one generation of gannets to pass on their nests to the next generation without a 40% levy. Disgraceful!

calumannabel from Ness Centre for Fiscal Studies

Dear mjc There is nothing to stop you baking some oatcakes, having a coffee morning and sending the proceeds. If there's any spare money we might send Chrissie Mary ovewr to see you.

calum from to the left of the usual

Penny Dainties represents some of th emore up to date staock at alanjohn's. The Environmental Health have already taken a tractor load of snuff that was bought at a good price in 1937. The shop however is very green - especially the cooked ham on the meat counter. Four visits a year is we admit the maximum number of trips allowed under the Geneva Convention but TWS will not seem so bad to the rest of the family after a week of forgs legs and mice tails. Please tell me which site the 'book' is on. In fact I think we all should be told.

calumannabel from Booker House Brue

Living on the Northern Rock has gone to your head, Angus. However Donald has realised if we have four turbines around the football pitch we can hang the floodlights from them.

calamec from The Bernabau Brue

Thanks to Flotta School for donating their entire carrot crop to Niseachs in Need. The carrots will be given to the partially sighted of Eoropie.

calumannabel from NIN HQ

Hi Jill What is ROFL? I hope it doesn't contain additives as I'm hyperactive. How much can Donald sell it for?

Jack from the guy who went up the hill with you

What are the cultural benefits of a visit to Cape Wrath? (Apart from meeting Angus, it goes without saying...)

Flying Cat from curiosity cott

Jack, I've never met you and have certainly never been up any hills with you, I am very particular about who I go up hills with. And remember that it wasn't Jill who got the broken crown... ROFL means rolling on the floor laughing.

Jill from EK

Forgive Jack, Jill: he is still concussed. Wasn't it you who went with me up Blueberry hill, and sat on my knee under the apple tree? No? Maybe it was Sally. She had typical English corn-fed calves ...., just like Chrissie Mary (no thank you, Calum.: I'll let someone else have my prize. Maybe ArdnortR. when he gets back.)

mjc from NM, USA

CALUM: I presume you are now banned from your local shop after the "green comments"Is this your way of coming out in sympathy with diggie sands???

carol from still laughing at this blog

Has Calum come out???? I must have missed that one...

Flying Cat from step we gaily

I like ROFL...but...LMEA is even better. Fac's are chiels that winna ding - and I have this (slightly amended) version from a linguistics expert of Very High Standing...Laughin' Ma Erse Aff.

Flying Cat from awaiting the red pencil of moderation

Oi, how did Fc get away with that Patricia? Don't let FC get anything it wants posted on the comments in IB. Peace be with you all.

Tws from Backaffronted

Flying cats are by definition beyond the reach of the arms of the law (recent miscarriages of justice notwithstanding).

mjc from NM, USA

To get back to the business in hand which, lest we get distracted, is NIN, is it possible that the Spinsters of Ness might be more appreciative of the money being spent on a Jolly Roger? (or a jolly Murdo John)

Flying Cat from Never on a Sunday

Jolly Roger isn't so jolly if he misses his Prozac

calumannabel from close to the usual

Coming out??? Who me dear gay dear? Absolutely preposterous. I only help them out when they're busy.

calumannabel from from the unusual

I thought you might be the only one in the village sweetie...

Flying Cat from mincin' wi' Cherlie

It is a toss-up as to who gets the tourist vote: Cape Fear or Cape Wrath.

mjc from NM, USA

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