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16 October 2014


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Fank 08 - the future

Excuse the delay and thanks for the postings. Donald and I have been on a whistlestop tour of Europe fact finding and clip board wielding. This year's European Football Chmpionships has given us the template. We shall spread the festival out between the islands. The dating part will take part on April 1st and any unattached 'mingers' at the end of that day will be brought to Lewis and paired off Moonie style in the Centre car Park opposite the Mission to Seamen.
1 There will be a token presence at the nerve centre ie the Dell Fank with about 100 attendees and the same sponsors as in previous years. The festival will be opened by headline act Amy Blackhouse if she's out of rehab. There will be an Orkney fetival run by Ruthie who had accepted the gig providing she gets first pick. It is hoped that Nic on Coll will take up the baton for the Inner Isles as she has access to a photocopier and experience of organising a buffet. As a departure Sunny is running a satellite Fank with subtitles in Alicante - is that a place of a woman Sunny? I trust all will keep us in the loop with their preparations. I remain your humble cyber matchmaker, Calumannabel.
TWS will be poet in residence with an Arts Council grant secured from Holyrood.
Posted on calumannabel at 20:54


It's very good of Ruth to take time out from her busy multi-tasking Liff to pop down to Orkney and keep our ends up...

Flying Cat from FroggieFank

I'm not sure about the diaspora-type festival. It could increase opportunities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and reduce the likelihood of meeting a minger - oops, sorry, soulmate - at one's chosen location. Who will have the tweedy patch concession? Maybe Tws could get Dodgy Dave to take an interest.

Jill from EK

Calum., with Sunny, it's Picante (not Alicante).

mjc from NM,USA

Still want me as a welcoming committee on the quayside at the Glumag, with an initiation ceremony at Charlie's Monument, Calum?

Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway

and i'll go to montpellier as there is a good scottish community there and will round up all the spinsters!! i'll stick them all onto the first ryanair flight out of mtp to london then easyjet up to glasgow then i'll let jill from ek take over cheers!

carol from over here

& the Shetland Fank is where?

Muness from Fetlar

muness: in shetland of course!

carol from lazing on a sunny afternoon-

Thanks Carol. You're on the ball!

calum from lewis

The Western Isles is where the Fank is held. The guys there are desperate. They are in a funk all year: and The Fank is their Mardi Gras. The Fank is not open to competition or globalization or outsourcing. What next? The Fank in Bangalore?!

mjc from NM,USA

It's awfully good of Ruth to offer to come all the way down from Unst to organise the Orkney Branch of the Fank...I'm thinking of sending the parental units up there in a reciprocal arrangement.

Flying Cat from on behalf of Orkney Fankers...

Planning for this Fank is suffering from a horrible dearth of pictures. Where, or where are you Annie-B? A picture is worth a million words, and not as likely to be filtered out (perhaps).

mjc from NM,USA

My original comment seems to have gone astray, but I wanted to assure Carol that if she told me how many Franco-Scottish femmes are going to arrive in Glasgow, I would upgrade my private jet charter to accommodate them. It would be tragic if anyone missed this major event in the social calendar.

Jill from EK

Calumannabel paints his pictures with words...it's mair subtle-like.

Flying Cat from its all in the mind

Thanks FC - no suggestion that I'm just crap at loading pictures. Annie B's been threatening to teach me for ages.

calumannabel from Up to his neck in paint

Annie B, Annie B, wherefore art thou, Annie B?

Barney from Swithiod fankly speaking

Barney: annie b was in the quee at the local solictors in stornoway at the beginning of january and has since went into hiding-maybe if we bribe chrissie mary she can tell us where annie b is. Jill at the latest count i've about 300 spinsters me included ready for take off: how many spare seats are there left in your lear jet?

carol from over here counting up the spinsters

Typo, Carol? You meant "the Leer jet"? or perhaps it should be renamed the Spitzer Shuttle?

mjc from NM,USA

It's not a Lear jet, Carol, or even a Leer jet mjc. I thought it worthwhile to charter a 747 because of the numbers. All first class, of course, with those lying-down beds and hot towels ...

Jill from EK

I'm just so thankful they're not lying-in beds on that 747! That would be a bit premature. Carol, surely a genuine spinster is one who is unsullied? And in this case, unhinged would probably be a good qualification too...

Flying Cat from The Joy of Trex

It does not do anyone harm to be unhinged before coming to the fank: one way or another, the survivors are unhinged. And remain so for at least a score and two years. Quite a few never leave Stornoway (eh?), though it is rumored that two or three have been spied landing at Coll International ...claiming they wanted to join the local book club.

mjc from NM,USA

Trevor, where are you? Are you Fanking this year? Have you set off already? The wheelie bin must be fairly slow I guess. Maybe you can give progress reports en route. Anyway, good luck for the journey, and remember the chocolate ginger, vital as a food supply and also an anti-sea-sickness remedy.

Ruthodanort from keeping a watch for Trevor

We are pleased to add to the international flavour of this years Fank! Well hoping the flavour has improved since last year when Donald dropped his truss in the Guga stew! And yes we do have a woman here! Consuella has all her own teeth and a few other peoples too! She's a dentist.... She can do all sorts of things with fish! I've told her about the Scottish boddachs and she's so excited she's making her special meatballs... Cojones.... just as well she's preparing them pre fank and not afer she's been exposed to our lads traditional island courting rituals... otherwise they might be served up their own cojones.....

Sunny from In the sun

Cojones, Sunny? Not quite an English ... or Scottish ... thing, is it now? # In any case, co- or not, we are talking Western Isles here, not Wales, and there are no Jones in the vicinity (none that dares raise its head!!), and none will be admitted at the Fank. (If you don't like it, you can write to Archbishop Rowan). Also, in case there may have been an unlikely confusion, Murdo is a John, not a Jones.

mjc from NM,USA

The island lads own cojones might barely run to a small amuse-bouche!

Flying Cat from a powerful magnifier

I prefer peanuts myself, salted and roasted. I like Virginia best, but Valencia would do in a crunch.

mjc from NM,USA

Well I'm off today for the Fank. Passport sorted and wellies at the ready. Had a small mishap with State Department as they confused me with Barack John Clinton.Condi set 'em straight and I'm on the way. Have downloaded maps from Google and photos from Arnish Lighthouse into iPod and expect no trouble finding festivities. Look for the fella in the Hawaiian shirt and wellies. I'll stand you a round of your favorite. Toodles till then.

TiredFather from HebrideanDreaming

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